
Healthchecks can be used to guarantee zero-downtime deployments of your service by ensuring the new version is live and able to handle requests.

How it Works

When a new deployment is triggered for a service, if a healthcheck endpoint is configured, Railway will query the endpoint until it receives an HTTP 200 response. Only then will the new deployment be made active and the previous deployment inactive.

Note About Continuous Monitoring

The healthcheck endpoint is currently not intended for continuous monitoring as it is only called at the start of the deployment, to ensure it is healthy prior to routing traffic to it.

If you are looking for a quick way to setup continuous monitoring of your service(s), check out the Uptime Kuma template in our template marketplace.

Healthcheck Timeout

The default timeout on healthchecks is 300 seconds (5 minutes). If your application fails to serve a 200 status code during this allotted time, the deploy will be marked as failed.

This timeout is configurable in the service settings.


For information on how to configure healthchecks, click here.

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